MiDi works to strengthen entrepreneurial skills through capacity building and training resources that foster adoption of good workplace practices in micro, small, medium and large enterprises. In the area of management training, we have training tools that cover the whole spectrum of target groups, from illiterate micro entrepreneurs to growth oriented small and medium scale entrepreneurs.

At the entrepreneurship development level, our key role is to develop tools and programmes that deal with the long term effects of entrepreneurial culture. MiDi conducts various types of training programmes as given below. One would do well to remember that even though “training is costly, not to be trained is still costlier".

1. Entrepreneurship Development Programme(EDP)
• Duration :- 4-6 weeks
• Expected Trainees/per batch :- 20-25
An Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) aims at training the young entrepreneurs in the essentials of conceiving, planning, initiating and launching an economic activity or enterprise successfully. It includes class room training on essentials of entrepreneurship survey of present .
socio-economic scenario, identify business opportunities, government schemes available, preparation of feasibility and project reports, etc. Sessions on technology and finance are also arranged. These programmes are organized regularly to nurture the talent of youth by honing their skills on various aspects of industrial activities. Useful informations are provided on product design, manufacturing processes, testing/QC, selection and usage of machinery & equipments, marketing, technology, pricing, achievement motivation training (AMT) export opportunities, import of raw materials, financials, Govt. supports, etc.
2. Vocational Training Programme (VTP)
• Duration :- 2 Weeks
• Expected Trainees/per batch :- 15-20
MiDi identified many activities for persons who have not received the benefit of higher education. Training programmes based on these activities are arranged by MiDi with a view to promote self employment and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial inputs like motivation and knowledge of infrastructural facilities are also included.

The programme consists of on the job training where the participants work with equipments and machines of various types. This programme would inculcate in the participants the habits of giving the best of the quality to the customer, learn to calculate cost/opportunity cost of a service or product and oriented to the customer-focused services. The programme’s content may be trades/activities in Agriculture and Animal husbandry, Electrical & Electronics, Computer hardware & software among others, e.g. Goat/ Dairy / Poultry etc. farming under animal husbandry. The major objective of this programme is to provide participants an opportunity to acquire functional skill, desirable work habits that will enable them to be the productive members of the society.

3. Technology Based Entrepreneurship Development Programme (TEDP)
• Duration :- 6 to 8 weeks
• Expected Trainees/per batch :- 20-25
The purpose of conducting such a programme is to encourage and motivate young entrepreneurs to start their own ventures with technical skills and become successful.
This programme will entail the participants to get to know the intricacies of how to start and manage an enterprise. This programme primarily focuses on training and development need of entrepreneur in a specific technology area, e.g., IT Computer hardware, Food Processing, Agro Products, Plastic, Glass, Biotechnology, Sports Goods, etc. This programme provides actual hands-on training in the specific areas and class room training on developing technical & Management skills motivational management, etc. This programme is intended to develop entrepreneurs in specific products, technologies/processes.
4. Faculty Development Programme (FDP)
• Duration :- 2 to 3 weeks
• Expected Trainees/per batch :- 20-25
This programme is designed to train and develop professionals in entrepreneurship development so that they can act as resource persons in guiding and motivating young Entrepreneurs/ trainees to take up entrepreneurship as a career.

FDP aims at equipping teachers with skills and knowledge that are essential for inculcating entrepreneurial values in young entrepreneurs.

5. Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC)
• Duration :- 2 to 3 days
• Expected Trainees/per batch :- 20-25
The main aim of conducting EAC is to create awareness about various facets of entrepreneurship as an alternative career option as also to highlight the merit of perusing such an option.
MiDi conducts Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps for the benefit of prospective young entrepreneurs and target groups like students of Technical / Engineering / Agriculture / Colleges / Pharmacy etc. Experienced entrepreneurs, industry experts, officials from various agencies like Banks, KVIC, DIC, SIDBI, NSIC, etc. are invited to such camps to interact with participants and to provide with valuable inputs.
6. Entrepreneurship Skill Development Programme(ESDP)
• Duration :- 2 to 3 weeks
• Expected Trainees/per batch :- 20-25
This programme is generally conducted for a specific Industrial activity as well as SC, ST, Women category or for a particular industry or trade, i.e., garment, mobile repairing, renewable energy. It aims to impart skill of a particular trade to the participants and help them to enhance their income generation capability.

This programme is conducted to upgrade skill of potential entrepreneurs and existing ones by organizing various technical and skill development training programme with the main purpose of honing and upgrading of their skill by presenting better and improved technological skills of production.
7.After Sales Services by MiDi
MiDi after conducting all the above mentioned trainings for the benefit of our participants, also provide bank support services like facilitating Fund based and Non Fund based finances from Banks, preparation of Feasibility and Project Reports, Market Survey ,etc.